Spellbook Grey Order

1 entries found.

Rank 6

KeywordsAttack, Control
This spell is the ultimate punishment of the Orders upon their peers, and is considered a worse fate than mere execution. The target of the spell, who must be present throughout the casting, is permanently cut off from the magical energies of nature. Once Stilled they can no longer channel power from the Sun, Dark Side or any other source, the energy simply will not flow. Stilling entirely removes the magical abilities of any Mage, Wizard or Cleric, and will also remove any Gift Quality from it's target.

Since the Spell is of rank 6 it requires a caster of Level 9 or 10 to lead the casting and other Mages to assist, therefore Stilling cannot be done except by a group of Mages in conjunction. The Orders make sure to guard copies of this spell with great security, and it is cast only as a punishment ordered by a Mage's Court. Each Mage involved in the casting also suffers part of the backlash, losing 1 Spirit.

Stilling has no effect on the powers of the White Order.